MOCK Magazine is in search of stylish individuals from various cities to include in their "Sartorial Splendor" feature.
To be considered, email mockmagazine@gmail.com - subject "Sartorial Splendor":
include a [stylish] Image of yourself, your Full Name, Age, Profession, City, and how you would describe your personal style or what you believe is [true] "Style".
If chosen, you'll be featured in the first issue of MOCK Magazine, the newest [independent] bi-annual fashion/art [online] magazine.
* Images must be of "LookBook.nu," "Trendy Crew" and/or "The Sartorialist" quality!

MOCK Magazine is set to launch in May of this year. The above image is their unfinished cover page as well as their trademarked logo [the mockingbird]. The concept or inspiration behind the magazine title is the way our society or more so individuals mock fashion, mock beauty, mock other people and even mock culture. MOCK Magazine's definition of "mock" is not to ridicule or judge, but rather to mimic, imitate; to challenge and to defy the norms or perceptions of society. Their demographic or target audience would be fashion/art orientated, creative individuals that challenge/defy the norms by thinking and/or creating "out of the box".
MOCK Magazine will be clean [as in layouts], professional, edgy or "out of the box", and the magazine will be more like an European-fashion magazine [think Purple Magazine or Vogue Paris].