Positive Thought:
The secret of health for both mind and body is
not to mourn for the past, worry about the future,
or anticipate troubles...
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
{"Blow my mind while I blow your..."}
So I'm starting to get into Kabbalah.
There's a Kabbalah center in Houston and I'm planning to attend a Kabbalah seminar next Monday.
I'm trying to learn more about it. I really like the doctrines!
I don't like "religion," but I do believe in God as I've found God and I do uphold my own beliefs.
Truth is that Kabbalah was never meant for a specific sect. Rather, it was intended to be used by all humanity to unify the world.
Kabbalah teaches that in order for us to claim the gifts we were created to receive, we must first earn those gifts. We earn them by undertaking our spiritual work — the process of fundamentally transforming ourselves. By helping us recognize the sources of negativity in our own minds and hearts, Kabbalah gives us the tools for positive change.
Kabbalah teaches that every human being is a work in progress. Any pain, disappointment, or chaos that exists in our lives is not because this is how life is meant to be, but only because we have not yet finished the work that brought us here. That work, quite simply, is the process of freeing ourselves from the domination of the human ego and creating an affinity with the sharing essence of God.
In everyday life, this transformation means letting go of anger, jealousy, and other reactive behaviors in favor of patience, empathy, and compassion. It does not mean giving up all desire and going to live on a mountaintop. On the contrary, it means desiring more of the fulfillment that humanity was meant to have.

{"Pearls of Wisdom!"}
I feel like I've already attained some of which the Kabbalah speaks of, but I am always looking to improve and perfect myself! After all, [[as Kabbalah states]] we are here in this world to reach our potential and literally become like God, with giving and sharing as the foundation of our being.
I have yet to get The Zohar as it is written in the ancient language of Aramaic, a sister language to Hebrew that employs Hebrew letters. {Note: While Hebrew was the language of the upper classes, Aramaic was the language of the common people.}
And I'm very iffy about the Red String, a strand of red wool worn around the left wrist to ward off the destructive forces of the Evil Eye. Its purpose is to protect us from the envious looks of others, and to help us eliminate feelings of jealousy and resentment in ourselves.
I'll see how it goes. I am like a chameleon — always changing.
[[Once you've learned how to live, you don't fear nor seek death!]]
The secret of health for both mind and body is
not to mourn for the past, worry about the future,
or anticipate troubles...
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

So I'm starting to get into Kabbalah.
There's a Kabbalah center in Houston and I'm planning to attend a Kabbalah seminar next Monday.
I'm trying to learn more about it. I really like the doctrines!
I don't like "religion," but I do believe in God as I've found God and I do uphold my own beliefs.
Truth is that Kabbalah was never meant for a specific sect. Rather, it was intended to be used by all humanity to unify the world.
Kabbalah teaches that in order for us to claim the gifts we were created to receive, we must first earn those gifts. We earn them by undertaking our spiritual work — the process of fundamentally transforming ourselves. By helping us recognize the sources of negativity in our own minds and hearts, Kabbalah gives us the tools for positive change.
Kabbalah teaches that every human being is a work in progress. Any pain, disappointment, or chaos that exists in our lives is not because this is how life is meant to be, but only because we have not yet finished the work that brought us here. That work, quite simply, is the process of freeing ourselves from the domination of the human ego and creating an affinity with the sharing essence of God.
In everyday life, this transformation means letting go of anger, jealousy, and other reactive behaviors in favor of patience, empathy, and compassion. It does not mean giving up all desire and going to live on a mountaintop. On the contrary, it means desiring more of the fulfillment that humanity was meant to have.

{"Pearls of Wisdom!"}
I feel like I've already attained some of which the Kabbalah speaks of, but I am always looking to improve and perfect myself! After all, [[as Kabbalah states]] we are here in this world to reach our potential and literally become like God, with giving and sharing as the foundation of our being.
I have yet to get The Zohar as it is written in the ancient language of Aramaic, a sister language to Hebrew that employs Hebrew letters. {Note: While Hebrew was the language of the upper classes, Aramaic was the language of the common people.}
And I'm very iffy about the Red String, a strand of red wool worn around the left wrist to ward off the destructive forces of the Evil Eye. Its purpose is to protect us from the envious looks of others, and to help us eliminate feelings of jealousy and resentment in ourselves.
I'll see how it goes. I am like a chameleon — always changing.
[[Once you've learned how to live, you don't fear nor seek death!]]