I always end up accidentally watching it. Honestly, I don't have cable and television is plagued with reality shows, which I truly don't care for (except in the case of "The Amazing Race" because I love travel shows). So I usually end up watching PBS because it's the only channel that always has something insightful.
Anyways, so this short film is called "When The Light's Red." It's based/shot in Austin, Texas and it's essentially one man's take/perspective on intersection panhandling. It's a humorous, entertaining and touching short film, as well as an examination of privilege, power, reality and the way in which these forces intersect inside our heads and outside our car window.
Pretty much the short film was major soul-speaking to me because I feel for homeless people and I especially adore the beautiful homeless individuals who just need a major makeover and life-change.
Of course I never felt this way in the past about homeless individuals. But, it all changed on July 31, 2008 when I had stopped at a red light off the 59-South feeder and FM1092/Murphy Rd. That day I saw the most beautiful homeless man I've ever seen in my life [[no joke]]!
Usually unless I'm in downtown and the homeless individuals aren't looking at me (as I don't like to make eye contact), I like to look at them - see the clothes they wear, how they look, try to grasp their sense of style. They inspire me. I have a strange fascination with the beautiful ones or the ones that have that certain beauty to them. I'm a slave to beauty!
But, when they start trying to clean my windshield I don't like it since they usually do it in hopes of getting money and I never give them money. I don't like to give homeless people money because you never know what they will do with money (buy some booze/alcohol and drugs/narcotics, that's the first thing that I think of). I'd feel much safer+better giving them food or something that I believe would improve themselves along with their existence.
Anyways, this beautiful homeless guy had a beard and dirty clothes. I thought it was the ugly homeless guy I had seen before, but it wasn't. I didn't realize that until after he finished wiping/cleaning my windshield. He looked at me for money. I made eye contact, obviously because they are human beings too. I shook my head when he looked at me for money. Then, at that very moment, I actually noticed his face... and his face was beautiful. Honestly, he was too beautiful to be homeless! I immediately had the thought: "He should be a model, not a homeless bum on the streets!"

By the time I had my epiphany, it was too late. The beautiful homeless man had walked way past my car to ask other drivers for money. I wish I had given him something. Now all I have is the thought of him. Ever since I met him, I've definitely changed my mind-set toward homeless individuals.
Anyways, if you want to watch the short film I'm talking about or want to view it again on Houston - PBS, it will be broadcasting (Sunday) April 19th at 12:30am. It's the first short film of the program and it's approximately 11 minutes long.